Wilmar is C40’s Programme Manager for Energy. He is a sustainable energy specialist with experience leading initiatives funded by multilateral organizations, international cooperation agencies and national governments in Latin America and the Caribbean.

For more than 10 years, Wilmar has managed multi-stakeholder processes involving national and local governments, NGOs, donors, and financial institutions. Working as a public official, consultant, researcher and programme manager, he has managed policies and structured and developed projects and studies to promote a low-carbon energy transition in the region.

He has led initiatives for energy access for rural families, use of renewable energy for agribusiness, design of energy efficiency standards for buildings, implementation of energy management systems, design of decarbonization scenarios and energy planning, and energy-efficient street lighting, among others.

Wilmar is a Colombian Energy Engineer, with postgraduate studies in Energy Sources Management, and holds an MSc in Energy Policy from the University of Sussex.