Green News Digest: Cities tackling air pollution for a healthier future
Learn about how mayors of C40 cities are making their cities more liveable, safer, and healthier while reducing emissions.
Addis Ababa prepares for its first Bus Rapid Transit system
C40 recently partnered with the Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau to deliver a two-day workshop to measure the greenhouse…
From Paris To Quito, Mayors Are Leading On Our Sustainable Future
In 2015, cities played a central role at COP21 in Paris, pushing national leaders to reach the ambitious Paris Climate…
Roadmaps for Successful Climate Action: C40 Cities Share 100 Case Studies Proven to Work
As cities around the world look for ways to implement the Paris Declaration and meet the ambition of the UN…
Curitiba: A Leader in Transport Innovation
The City of London recently hosted the first-ever Clean Bus Summit, which brought together city transport officials, manufacturers and other stakeholders…
C40 Clean Bus Declaration urges cities and manufacturers to adopt innovative clean bus technologies
The C40 Clean Bus Declaration of Intent was officially announced during the C40 Latin American Mayors Forum in Buenos Aires in March…