Good green jobs for all

New report

C40’s latest analysis of 74 C40 cities shows that there are nearly 16 million good green jobs now in global megacities.

Alongside youth, unions, and businesses, mayors are creating inclusive and sustainable economies with #GreenJobsNow.

Still from the C40 explainer video "What is a Green Job?" animated by Rosanna Wan
© Rosanna Wan
Explore our cities
C40 has 96 member cities
Making up more than 22% of the global economy1

Accelerator Reports

2023 Reports Now Available

Since 2017, 74 forward-thinking C40 cities have been driving transformative action in critical sectors through C40’s High-Impact Accelerators.

In the latest Accelerator Reports, we celebrate the progress and impact of cities’ climate actions.

© Laure Rees-Smith – C40

1. Oxford Economics data + C40 modelling and World Bank for global GDP.