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Displaying 1 - 6 of 11 results
San Francisco
October 2022
Spotlight on… San Francisco
Mayor London Breed showcases the action that San Francisco is taking to reach net-zero by 2040...
San Francisco
February 2020
San Francisco’s Transportation Demand Management Programme
San Francisco has initiated a Transportation Demand Management Program designed to reduce congestion, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollution…
San Francisco
February 2020
San Francisco Carpet Requirements for City Departments
San Francisco has introduced new regulation on purchasing and maintenance of carpets in municipal buildings, ensuring that they are environmentally…
San Francisco
December 2019
San Francisco International Airport Carbon Neutral Strategy
The City of San Francisco’s San Francisco International Airport (SFO) adopted a Carbon Neutral Strategy that charts a path towards…
San Francisco
September 2017
Cities100: San Francisco – Reporting and Incentives Cut Emissions and Bills
San Francisco has gone above and beyond California's already rigorous buildings standards to encourage large commercial building owners to invest...
San Francisco
September 2017
Cities100: San Francisco – Connecting Climate Action with Public Health
San Francisco explicitly linked climate change with adverse public health effects and created an adaptation framework to better prepare citizens...