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Displaying 1 - 6 of 25 results
New York
October 2022
C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards: New York City Housing Authority’s sustainability agenda
New York City is implementing transformative policies to decarbonise energy use in NYC residential buildings.
New York
February 2020
Sunset Park: Community Solar Energy in NYC
New York City is piloting a community solar project owned by a cooperative, which allows renters, homeowners and small businesses…
New York
September 2017
Cities100: New York City – Retrofitting Trucks for Cleaner Air
New York is targeting air pollution by offering rebates to retrofit or replace older trucks with alternatively fuelled models. The...
New York
September 2017
Cities100: New York City – Modeling Aids Emissions Reductions Roadmap
New York City has prepared a detailed roadmap to steer the city towards an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions...
New York
September 2017
Cities100: New York City – Integrating Climate Projections in City Planning
In New York City, climate change risks are now integrated into the city's existing planning and construction operations, ensuring city...
New York
November 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: New York City – New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation
Summary Established and endowed by New York City (NYC) in 2011 with USD 37.5 million of federal grant funding, the...