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Displaying 1 - 6 of 15 results
December 2019
GrowSmarter: Sustainable Delivery Platform in Stockholm
The City of Stockholm partnered up with GrowSmarter to pilot a smart, automatic and sustainable parcel delivery room that will…
December 2019
Energy Efficient and Smart Climate Shell Refurbishment for High-Rise Buildings
The City of Stockholm partnered up with GrowSmarter to carry out a series of energy efficiency renovations on older buildings,…
May 2018
Retrofitting and adapting the slussen lock
The New Slussen project and reconstruction is vital for the entire Stockholm region around Lake Mälaren. The New Slussen will…
November 2016
Cities100: Stockholm – Large Biomass Plant Powers Fossil Fuel-Free Future
By using a large-scale biomass plant to power its district heating system, Stockholm is inching closer to its goal of...
November 2016
Cities100: Stockholm – Walkable City Drives Long-Term Growth
To ensure Stockholm’s sustainable growth for years to come, the city has underpinned its development strategy on active mobility, public...
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: Stockholm – Royal Seaport
Summary The Stockholm Royal Seaportvii (SRS) project is transforming the old industrial port area into a modern city environment for...