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Displaying 5 of 5 results
May 2023
Transforming Cities: How cities can use data to track their climate goals
Learn how a data dashboard developed using Qlik is helping Portland understand its climate action performance.
October 2022
Spotlight on… Portland
Mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, outlines the city’s efforts to tackle carbon emissions and champion clean energy.
February 2020
Home Energy Scoring in Portland’s Housing Market
Portland is the first US city to require home sellers who put their homes up for sale to obtain a…
October 2015
Cities100: Portland – Tracking Emissions at Home and Abroad
Portland unveiled a climate plan that judges emissions based not only on what happens within its borders but also on...
January 2015
Portland’s Healthy Connected Neighbourhood Strategy
The goal of the Healthy Connected Neighbourhood Strategy is to bring complete neighbourhoods to 80% of the city’s population by…