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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results
October 2022
Spotlight on… Bengaluru
Chief Commissioner Tushar Giri Nath showcases Bengaluru’s efforts to prioritise green spaces, reduce pollution, and monitor air quality.
September 2018
The Bengaluru Waste and Brand Audit: Accountability and Best Practices
The Bengaluru Waste and Brand Audit is a great example of civil society engagement in solid waste management, happening in…
September 2017
Cities100: Bengaluru – Valuable Waste Segregated at Source
Bengaluru is beginning to clean up its streets with a domestic waste segregation program driven by community volunteers and providing...
September 2017
Cities100: Bengaluru – Using Intelligence to Create Better Public Transport
By using big data and an electronic tracking system, the City of Bengaluru can optimize the operation of public transport...
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: Bengaluru – Digital mapping in waste collection
Summary Bengaluru embraced digital mapping to inform waste collection and transportation systems in order to reach the city’s goal of...
October 2015
Cities100: Bengaluru – Digital Mapping to Manage Solid Waste
Bengaluru’s goal of 100% solid waste collection proves that inefficient waste management can be turned around using digital mapping to...