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Displaying 1 - 6 of 7 results
October 2022
Spotlight on… Chicago
Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot on the importance of taking urgent action to protect residents and businesses from the impact…
September 2017
Cities100: Chicago – Energy-Saving Retrofits for Aging Housing Stock
Chicago is pursuing energy efficiency retrofits for the city's aging housing stock. In partnership with private, public, and nonprofit stakeholders,...
February 2017
Urban Efficiency II: Chicago – Retrofit Chicago Energy Challenge
Urban Efficiency II: Seven Innovative City Programmes for Existing Building Energy Efficiency builds on research in the successful predecessor “Urban Efficiency”...
November 2016
City Adviser Case Study Series: City of Chicago- Sustainability Strategies and Energy Programs through Direct Support Partnership
Summary From 2012-2016, the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group established a partnership with the City of Chicago, philanthropic funders, and...
November 2016
Cities100: Chicago – Energy Savings Fund Efficiency Investments
Retrofit One is an innovative financing mechanism that utilizes guaranteed energy savings and private investors to fund energy efficiency upgrades...
November 2016
Cities100: Chicago – Adsorptive Playgrounds Foster Social Cohesion
Revitalizing school lots to capture stormwater reduces the risk of flooding in Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods, while fostering community engagement. The...