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Displaying 1 - 6 of 8 results
February 2020
Boston Smart Utilities Vision: Initiating a New Microgrid Policy
Boston has initiatied a policy that will see any building with a floorspace of over 1.5 million square feet be…
January 2020
Greenovate Leaders and Ambassadors Programme – A Grassroots Focused Strategy in Boston
Greenovate is a program that sets out to raise awareness of climate change preparedness by engaging residents in climate action…
February 2017
Urban Efficiency II: Boston – Renew Boston Trust Commercial
Urban Efficiency II: Seven Innovative City Programmes for Existing Building Energy Efficiency builds on research in the successful predecessor “Urban Efficiency”...
November 2016
Cities100: Boston – Mapping Energy Use to Boost Resilience
Boston has created a detailed map that tracks hourly building energy use in order to show patterns of energy demand...
November 2016
Cities100: Boston – Energy Performance Contracting Finances Resilient Infrastructure
Renew Boston Trust is using energy performance contracting to finance resilience measures with savings from energy efficiency upgrades in an...
November 2016
Cities100: Boston – Data and Stakeholders Build Adaptation Roadmap
Boston has taken a data- and stakeholder-driven approach to climate adaptation, creating Climate Ready Boston in an effort to develop...