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Displaying 1 - 6 of 8 results
October 2023
City Stories: Empowering women in Salvador’s solar industry
Tainá, a solar engineer in the Salvador Solar programme, finds happiness and fulfilment in her good, green job, and proudly...
December 2020
Revitalization of Salvador’s Botanical Garden
The requalification of Salvador’s Botanical Garden, inaugurated on November 12th, is one of the actions of the Municipal Government that aim...
December 2020
Salvador’s “Lighting our Neighborhood” Program installs LED lamps to improve economy, efficiency and security
Since 2019, Salvador has been replacing its street incandescent lights with LED lights as one of the initiatives within the “Lighting...
September 2019
Tax Incentives for Solar Panel Usage Introduced in Salvador
Salvador has launched a new tax incentive scheme that encourages solar energy production by private buildings. The larger percentage of…
May 2019
COLABORE – A Public Co-working Space to Develop and Accelerate Sustainable & Inclusive Solutions for the City
Salvador kicks off the first public incubator of social affairs in Brazil focusing on the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals of…
December 2018
‘Suburbana Verde’: Greening the Avenues of Salvador de Bahia
1,520 native trees have been successfully planted along one of the most important avenues of Salvador, aiming to improve the…