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Dar es Salaam
May 2024
ICA Fund | Engaging informal workers in the organic waste management sector
Learn about the inclusive climate project led by the City of Dar es Salaam that is supported by a C40…
Dar es Salaam
December 2019
Improvement of the Tazara Intersection (Mfugale Flyover)
Dar es Salaam has completed a project to improve the transit through the Tazara Intersection toward the Nyerere road through…
Dar es Salaam
December 2019
A Sea Wall Protecting Dar es Salaam’s Coast
A total of 1180 meters of sea wall were constructed in the city’s effort to adapt to climate change and…
Dar es Salaam
September 2017
Cities100: Dar es Salaam – First Bus Rapid Transit System in Eastern Africa
Dar es Salaam is making a shift towards faster, cleaner, and more reliable urban transportation with a new BRT system....
Dar es Salaam
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: Kampala, Dar es Salaam and Durban – Capital investment plans
Summary In recent years, several cities such as Kampala, Durban and Dar es Salaam, started to develop ‘Climate-Smart’ capital investment...