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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results
January 2020
Waterfalls to Generate Clean Energy: Curitiba’s First Hydroelectric Power Plant
Curitiba is tapping into the potential of using waterfalls from artificial lakes to generate clean energy for the city using…
January 2020
Curitiba’s ‘Friends of the River’ Campaign to Reduce Water Shortage Risks and Promote Environmental Awareness
Curitiba has initiated the “Friends of the River” campaign, which will combine major civil works with community engagement to ensure…
January 2020
Honey Garden Programme in Curitiba
Curitiba has set up a program to teach its citizens the importance and benefits bees have on local biodiversity and…
December 2018
Solar Energy for Social Housing in Curitiba
Curitiba finalised its first set of public housing units with solar power generation.
November 2016
Cities100: Curitiba – Urban Voids Become Community Gardens
Curitiba is turning unused urban land into community gardens in order to improve food security and build social cohesion, while...
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: Curitiba – Bus Rapid Transit Modernisation
Summary Curitiba was the first city to develop Bus Rapid Transit in 1974 and today the city continues to be...