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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 results
December 2019
EXTREMA – Emergency Notification System for Extreme Temperatures
Athens implemented an innovative system to reach out to city residents during extreme weather events that are becoming more frequent…
November 2016
City Adviser Case Study Series: City of Athens- Climate Action Plan
Summary In 2014, the City of Athens an active member of C40 since 2008, requested technical on-ground support to develop...
November 2016
Cities100: Athens – Heatwave Action Plan Protects Vulnerable Residents
Athens is implementing a Heatwave Action Plan, ensuring the most vulnerable residents are less at risk from rising temperatures. The...
April 2016
Athens’ Pilot Urban Regeneration Project
In 2016, the CIty of Athens plans to launch a significant pilot project to regenerate the commercial triangle of the center…
April 2016
Athens Plans for a Greener and Cooler City
Athens’ Operational Programme for the next five years sets the long-term strategy objectives of the City. The Greener and Cooler…
April 2016
Athens Biowaste Programme
European and National Legislation aim to divert biodegradable municipal waste from landfills and require separate collection and treatment of biowaste. Despite…