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Displaying 1 - 6 of 10 results
New York
October 2022
C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards: New York City Housing Authority’s sustainability agenda
New York City is implementing transformative policies to decarbonise energy use in NYC residential buildings.
October 2022
C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards: Seoul’s transformative electric vehicle programme
Seoul is tackling the twin challenges of air pollution and the climate crisis by slashing transport emissions, replacing 400,000 polluting…
October 2022
C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards: Safeguarding Lisbon’s drinking water to improve water security and circularity
Climate breakdown is causing more frequent and severe heat waves, changing rainfall patterns and water scarcity in Lisbon.
October 2022
C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards: Wuhan’s one-hundred-mile Yangtze river ecological corridor
Wuhan is taking action to upgrade 396 kilometres of shorelines of the Yangtze River Economic Belt to improve flood control…
Quezon City
October 2022
C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards: GrowQC: food security for Quezon residents
In Quezon City, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated widespread hunger and malnutrition. The city launched GrowQC to tackle the growing problem…
Rio de Janeiro
October 2022
C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards: Reviver Centro: reviving Rio’s city centre
The project aims to address the emptiness of Rio’s Central Business District, which was seriously impacted by business closures, resident…