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Displaying 607 - 611 of 611 results
January 2015
Industrial Area Transformed: Hammarby Sjöstad
The Hammarby Sjöstad project is a recognized model in urban regeneration of a brownfield site made up of a former…
January 2015
Toronto’s Eco-Roof Incentive Program
The City of Toronto launched the Eco-Roof Incentive Program in 2009 to support the uptake of eco-roofs by building owners, make buildings…
January 2015
Melbourne’s Growing Green Guide
The Growing Green Guide was released in February 2014 to promote green surfaces and provide technical advice on how to…
January 2015
Greening the BIDs: Private-public collaboration to deliver green infrastructure opportunities
The Greater London Authority (GLA) is working with Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in central London to identify and then deliver opportunities for…
New York
January 2015
NYC CoolRoofs
The NYC °CoolRoofs program, launched in 2009, has coated over 5.7 million square feet (529,547 square meters) of rooftop (626 buildings) with…