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Displaying 7 - 12 of 25 results
New York
November 2016
City Adviser Case Study Series: New York City – Buildings Technical Working Group
Summary In April 2016, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a suite of new building energy efficiency initiatives to address...
New York
November 2016
Cities100: New York City – Innovative Data Analysis Leads to Coastline Protection
Addressing the risk of rising sea levels, New York City implemented its Raise Shorelines Citywide project, which, through a comprehensive...
New York
November 2016
Cities100: New York City – Resilience Study Prepares Communities for Future Flooding
New York City has conducted comprehensive studies over areas at risk of flooding due to climate change, increasing the resilience...
New York
November 2016
Cities100: New York City – Sustainability Agenda Protects Public Housing
The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) has devised a plan to reduce CO2 emissions and ensure that affordable housing...
New York
November 2016
Cities100: New York City – Legal Ordinance for Solar-Powered Buildings
New York City’s government agencies are now legally required to assess potential solar PV retrofits at all municipal buildings. The...
New York
November 2016
Cities100: New York City – Data-Driven Outreach Leads to Building Retrofits
New York City is facilitating energy efficiency retrofits in large buildings and those in low and medium-income neighborhoods with a data-driven...