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Displaying 7 - 12 of 21 results
Buenos Aires
January 2020
Buenos Aires ‘Citizens Ready Against Climatic Change’ Programme
The “Citizens Ready against Climate Change” campaign was initiated to inform the public about the risks of climate change and…
Buenos Aires
December 2019
Buenos Aires Reduces Single-Use Plastics
Buenos Aires has introduced a ban on single-use plastics.
Buenos Aires
December 2019
Buenos Aires Strengthens Natural Resources to Protect Low-Income Communities
In the context of Buenos Aires Hydrolic Master Plan, Lake Soldati has been cleaned and its ecosystem restored, protecting the low-lying communities…
Buenos Aires
December 2019
Buenos Aires Upgrades its Informal Settlements
Through a process of re-urbanization, Buenos Aires is providing a better quality of life for its residents in informal settlements…
Buenos Aires
September 2017
Cities100: Buenos Aires – Changing Food Waste Attitudes and Behavior
Buenos Aires is tackling the growing challenges of food waste and food shortages with a source-based strategy targeting households, schools,...
Buenos Aires
November 2016
Cities100: Buenos Aires – Four Waste Streams Processed at One Facility
The recently constructed Environmental Park in Buenos Aires has the ability to process construction and demolition, pruning, organic, and plastic...