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Displaying 13 - 18 of 25 results
New York
November 2016
Cities100: New York City – Low-Cost Financing Enables Affordable Housing Retrofits
New York City’s new program maintains housing affordability while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions by providing energy audits and low-cost financing...
New York
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: New York – NYC °CoolRoofs Programme
Summary The NYC °CoolRoofs programmexxxi,xxxii encourages and facilitates the cooling of New York City’s rooftops through its “Cool It Yourself”xxxiii...
New York
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: New York City – Data-driven approach to municipal building efficiency
Summary New York City has adopted a data-driven approachvi to deliver its ‘30×17 target’ (30% GHG emissions reduction below 2005...
New York
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: New York City – Broadway Boulevard Project
Summary One of New York City’s most iconic streets used to be heavily congested with queuing vehicles and many pedestrians...
New York
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: New York City – Zero Waste NYC
Summary “Every week, the average New Yorker throws out nearly 15 pounds of waste at home and another nine pounds...
New York
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: New York – Mitigation banking program
Summary New York City (NYC), situated in the delta of the Hudson River, is prone to storm flooding and sea-level...