About C40 China
In China, 13 cities have joined the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, namely Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Dalian, Qingdao, Fuzhou, Zhenjiang and Hangzhou, collaborating with global cities to combat climate change.
C40 Beijing representative office was officially established in 2017, facilitating Chinese cities to draw up a blueprint for climate action, exploring innovative solutions in the forefront of climate change, participating in, contributing to and leading on international climate cooperation to contribute to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the growing national climate agenda. By establishing an international platform, participating and organizing high-level events related to the Global Climate Action Agenda, C40 deepens the mutual understanding and builds consensus on accelerating climate action among Chinese and foreign cities, and promotes international collaboration in addressing the climate crisis.
Notable Deliverables
China Cities Climate Action Planning Programme (CAP China)
In 2019, C40 officially launched the Climate Action Planning Programme (CAP) in China, which is witnessed by leaders from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and municipal governments of Chinese cities. The programme provides technical support to Chinese cities in developing relative plans addressing climate change (including the 14th Five-Year Plan, the action plan for peaking carbon dioxide emissions, the strategic research on carbon neutrality, or other mid- and long-term plans and research) and further exploring high-quality peaking, post-peaking green development and carbon-neutral pathways. It assists Chinese cities to comprehensively identify and prioritize mid- and long-term climate goals, targets and actions in key areas such as climate mitigation, adaptation and coordinated governance of air and climate pollutants.
China Building Programme (CBP)
In 2018, C40 China launched the “China Buildings Programme” (C40-CBP), supporting four member cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai (Changning District), Qingdao, and Fuzhou, to focus on “ultra-low energy buildings”, “energy effciency improvement of existing public and commercial buildings”, “energy effiency renovation of existing residential buildings”, and “renewable energy application in buildings”; helping accelerate climate goals in urban buildings and demonstrating the ambition and leadership of Chinese cities in climate transformations for the building sector. At the same time, the C40-CBP also provided a platform and channel for in-depth exchanges and learning between Chinese cities and international cities. This facilitated the exploration of pioneer climate actions in the building sector, such as net zero-carbon communities and clean construction. Such experience sharing, exchanges and cooperation has supported the alignment of best practices and ambition, as C40 cities in China and elsewhere continue to accelerate their climate actions.