C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards: New York City Housing Authority’s sustainability agenda
New York City is implementing transformative policies to decarbonise energy use in NYC residential buildings.
Sunset Park: Community Solar Energy in NYC
New York City is piloting a community solar project owned by a cooperative, which allows renters, homeowners and small businesses…
Cities100: New York City – Retrofitting Trucks for Cleaner Air
New York is targeting air pollution by offering rebates to retrofit or replace older trucks with alternatively fuelled models. The...
Cities100: New York City – Modeling Aids Emissions Reductions Roadmap
New York City has prepared a detailed roadmap to steer the city towards an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions...
Cities100: New York City – Integrating Climate Projections in City Planning
In New York City, climate change risks are now integrated into the city's existing planning and construction operations, ensuring city...
C40 Good Practice Guides: New York City – New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation
Summary Established and endowed by New York City (NYC) in 2011 with USD 37.5 million of federal grant funding, the...