Cities100: Paris – Greening District Heating Cuts Emissions
Paris is transforming its energy portfolio by powering 50% of its district heating network with a mix of new renewable...
Cities100: Paris – Transport Policy Curbs Air Pollution
Paris is instituting a suite of initiatives to combat air pollution and promote mobility, with a focus on eliminating diesel...
Cities100: Paris – Adaptation Strategy Secures Crucial Resources
The comprehensive Paris Adaptation Strategy is transforming the French capital into a climate-resilient city, focusing on securing resources and protecting...
Cities100: Paris – Renewed Plan Advances Climate Action
By revising and renewing its Climate Action Plan, Paris is working to reduce energy use and promote renewable energy generation,...
C40 Good Practice Guides: Paris – Climate and Energy Action Plan
Summary Paris developed district heating in 1927 to overcome air quality and fuel delivery issues. Today, large portions of the...
C40 Good Practice Guides: Paris – Quartier Massena, Rive Gauche
Summary The Quartier Massena is one of three districts along the left bank of the River Seine in Paris’s 13th...