The Real Economy Lab of Green Financial Services in Shenzhen
The Real Economy Lab of Green Financial Services aims to bring the characteristics of Shenzhen into play, connect global resources,…
Shenzhen ‘New Energy’ Vehicle Promotion
As one of the first pilot cities for the demonstration and promotion of ‘new energy’ vehicles, and one of the…
Shenzhen carbon emission trading system
Shenzhen became the pilot city in China to officially begin using carbon trading on 18 June 2013. Carbon trading in…
Urban Efficiency II: Shenzhen – International Low Carbon City
Urban Efficiency II: Seven Innovative City Programmes for Existing Building Energy Efficiency builds on research in the successful predecessor “Urban Efficiency”...
City Adviser Case Study Series: Shenzhen- Low-Emission-Vehicle Promotion
Summary[1] By the end of 2015, Shenzhen has achieved the goal to have more than 25 thousand vehicles in total...
C40 Good Practice Guides: Shenzhen – New Energy Vehicles (including Electric Buses)
Summary Shenzhen pioneered an innovative business model, successfully mobilising vehicle manufacturers, grid companies, bus and taxi operators, policy research institutes...