Cities100: Toronto – Affordable Loans for Home Efficiency Upgrades
Two new loan programs in Toronto offer homeowners an affordable option to retrofit their property to improve energy efficiency and...
Cities100: Toronto – Neighborhood Renewal Boosts Climate Resilience
Toronto’s Sustainable Neighbourhood Retrofit Action Plan is bringing adaptation and mitigation measures to apartment buildings and single-family homes. The Challenge...
Cities100: Toronto – Adaptation Report Informs Cross-Sector Collaboration
Toronto published a policy report outlining an approach that will see climate change resilience integrated into decision-making and coordination across...
C40 Good Practice Guides: Toronto – Enwave Energy Corporation
Summary In Toronto, the “hybrid public-private” business model served as the catalyst for implementing the city’s deep-lake-water cooling system, planned...
C40 Good Practice Guides: Toronto – Eco-Roof Incentive Programme
Summary The City of Toronto launched the Eco-Roof Incentive Programme in 2009 to encourage the uptake of eco-roofs by building...
C40 Good Practice Guides: Toronto – Energy Conservation & Demand Management Plan
Summary In 2007, Toronto City Council adopted the “Climate Change, Clean Air and Sustainable Energy Action Plan”xi which committed to...