Having attended the COP22 climate talks in Marrakech, out-going C40 Chair, Mayor Eduardo Paes of Rio, and Chair-elect, Mayor Anne Hidalgo of Paris issued a joint statement welcoming continued momentum by nation states, and re-stating the commitment of city leaders to deliver the Paris Agreement:
“It was clear from the mood in Marrakech that nothing can stop the momentum and drive towards a low-carbon world. The only question is whether we can get there fast enough to avoid catastrophic climate change. As the implications of the US presidential elections became clear we heard time and again at COP22 that cities will need to provide even greater leadership to ensure we achieve peak emissions by 2020. The mayors of the world’s greatest cities are ready. In two weeks, we will meet at the C40 Mayors Summit in Mexico City to set out what is required and how we will deliver it. The Paris Agreement is here to stay and C40 mayors aren’t standing still for even a moment as they turn political momentum into action on the ground.”