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Displaying 1039 - 1044 of 1121 results
Thought Leadership
August 4, 2015
C40 Mayors Agree: Clean Power Plan is a Big Win
C40 mayors around the United States were eager to support President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which was finalized Monday and…
Thought Leadership
August 4, 2015
Greenlight for Green Bonds in City of Portland
The City of Portland, Oregon is aiming to use green bonds as a financing tool to deliver the city’s sustainability…
Thought Leadership
July 30, 2015
Curitiba: A Leader in Transport Innovation
The City of London recently hosted the first-ever Clean Bus Summit, which brought together city transport officials, manufacturers and other stakeholders…
Thought Leadership
July 29, 2015
Electric vehicle market accelerating in U.S. cities
A new report shows that city action is revving the engine of the early electric vehicle market. The report – born from…
Thought Leadership
July 28, 2015
New Playbook Guides Cities through Green Bond Market
Over the last few years, the market for municipal green bonds has been burgeoning in cities around the world, as…
Thought Leadership
July 23, 2015
Boston New Lead City of C40’s Sustainable Infrastructure Finance Network
Today, C40 announced new leadership of its Sustainable Infrastructure Finance Network. Building on the City of Chicago’s leadership since the Network’s launch…