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Displaying 1087 - 1092 of 1120 results
Thought Leadership
April 1, 2015
C40 & USGBC Release Green Building City Market Briefs
Building energy use is a leading contributor to urban – and global -- greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and therefore represents…
Thought Leadership
April 1, 2015
Op-ed: Latin America, the Compact of Mayors & the Road to Paris
Today, mayors and city officials from more than 17 cities are gathering at the C40 Latin American Mayors Forum in…
Thought Leadership
March 31, 2015
10 C40 cities meet in Addis Ababa to discuss transit-oriented development
Ten cities from six C40 regions around the world met in Addis Ababa in February for the first-ever Transit Oriented Development…
Press Release
March 27, 2015
Press Release [PORTUGUESE]: Fórum Latino-Americano de Prefeitos do C40 mostra a liderança da região nas ações climáticas globais
Buenos Aires, Argentina (27 de março de 2015): Hoje, prefeitos latino-americanos reuniram-se em Buenos Aires, no Fórum Latino-Americano de Prefeitos...
Press Release
March 27, 2015
Press release [SPANISH]: El Foro Latinoamericano de Alcaldes C40 es un ejemplo de la iniciativa de alcaldes de América Latina para frenar el cambio climático
Buenos Aires, Argentina (March 27, 2015): This Friday was held the Latin American Forum of Mayors C40, where the mayors...
Press Release
March 27, 2015
Press Release: C40 Latin American Mayors Forum Shows Region Driving Global Climate Action
Buenos Aires, Argentina (March 27, 2015): Today, Latin American mayors convened in Buenos Aires at the C40 Latin American Mayors...