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Displaying 409 - 414 of 462 results
Press Release
October 24, 2016
Alcaldes Globales, Directivos Empresariales, Presidentes De Ong Y Expertos Técnicos Se Reúnen En La Cumbre De Alcaldes C40
Hoy el Grupo de Liderazgo Climático de Ciudades C40 (C40) ha anunciado varios de los ponentes que encabezarán la Cumbre…
Press Release
October 24, 2016
今天, C40城市气候领导小组宣布了今年C40 2016年市长峰会的第一轮发言人。两年一次的C40市长峰会是全球首屈一指的政治,商业和知识界领袖聚会,该峰会专注于打造一个有弹性的低碳城市未来,将于今年11月30日至12月2日在墨西哥城举行。此外,2016年度C40城市奖的获奖者-表彰在城市可持续发展方面有卓越表现的-将与峰会一起在12月1日晚的典礼上宣布。
Press Release
October 21, 2016
Press Release: From Bangkok to Quito: Cities at the Forefront of Our Sustainable Future
Now, more than ever, cities are at the forefront of our sustainable, low-carbon and resilient future. Today, 20 October 2016,…
Press Release
October 19, 2016
Press Release: Global Mayors, Business Executives, Ngo Leaders, and Climate Experts to Headline C40 Mayors Summit
Today, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) announced the first round of speakers headlining this year’s C40 Mayors Summit 2016.…
Press Release
October 19, 2016
Press Release: C40 Cities Finance Facility receives $2.3m from USAID to help cities access financing for climate projects
Cities in developing countries and emerging economies will have access to $2.3 million to mobilise financing for their climate change…
Press Release
October 17, 2016
Comunicado de Prensa: Alcaldes reclaman ayudas para financiar las acciones de las ciudades frente al cambio climático
Alcaldes de las ciudades más importantes del mundo han hecho un llamamiento a los gobiernos nacionales y las instituciones financieras…