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Displaying 457 - 462 of 462 results
Press Release
March 27, 2015
Press Release [PORTUGUESE]: Fórum Latino-Americano de Prefeitos do C40 mostra a liderança da região nas ações climáticas globais
Buenos Aires, Argentina (27 de março de 2015): Hoje, prefeitos latino-americanos reuniram-se em Buenos Aires, no Fórum Latino-Americano de Prefeitos...
Press Release
March 27, 2015
Press release [SPANISH]: El Foro Latinoamericano de Alcaldes C40 es un ejemplo de la iniciativa de alcaldes de América Latina para frenar el cambio climático
Buenos Aires, Argentina (March 27, 2015): This Friday was held the Latin American Forum of Mayors C40, where the mayors...
Press Release
March 27, 2015
Press Release: C40 Latin American Mayors Forum Shows Region Driving Global Climate Action
Buenos Aires, Argentina (March 27, 2015): Today, Latin American mayors convened in Buenos Aires at the C40 Latin American Mayors...
Press Release
March 11, 2015
Press Release: C40 Expands to 75 Members with Addition of Five New Cities Worldwide
London, UK (March 12, 2015) – The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) today welcomed five new members to its...
Press Release
March 4, 2015
Press Release: President Clinton and Mayor Bloomberg Join Forces to Combat Climate Change
New York, NY: Today, President Bill Clinton and New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced the expanded alliance between...
Press Release
February 11, 2015
Press Release: New C40 City Advisers will further climate actions in eight global cities
London, UK (February 11, 2015) – The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) today announced initial results from its first...