As C40’s Modelling and Evaluation Manager, Christina is responsible for assessing and reporting the impact of cities’ climate actions, including their wider economic, social, and health benefits.

Prior to joining, Christina was a public health researcher whose work focused on evaluating the impact of health policies at the intersection of urban design, sustainable transport, and physical activity promotion. In addition, she has worked as a consultant for local government and non-profit organizations, such as Sustrans and Impact for Urban Health. She also has experience as a health policy consultant within the Health Division of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Throughout her career, she has focused on issues at the intersection of health, environment, and climate change by assessing policies that promote both human health and environmental sustainability.

Christina holds a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Cambridge, a Master of Public Health from École des hautes études en santé publique, and a BA in Public Policy from the University of Chicago. She enjoys running and cycling, photography, discovering new recipes, and improving her blind wine-tasting skills.