Sallieu Kanu serves as Senior Manager, Youth Engagement and Campaigns at the C40 Co-Chair’s Office in Freetown. Sallieu possesses an extensive professional background and strong experience working with government leadership. He has a deep understanding of climate governance, backed by a wealth of years of experience as a Senior Project Lead for the clean cooking program at Freetown City Council, where he worked closely with C40 Co-Chair and Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr. He is passionate about advancing youth-led climate actions in urban areas, focusing particularly on the needs of poor and vulnerable communities.

Sallieu has successfully led and implemented multiple projects funded by organizations such as World Bank, the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), UN-Habitat, the European Union, Bosch Foundation, and Bloomberg Philanthropies. These projects have spanned areas including water, energy transition, COVID-19 preparedness and response, urban farming, waste valorization, and tree-tracking trading.

Furthermore, Sallieu has built and nurtured partnerships with a variety of stakeholders, compassing government partnerships, the private sector, youth groups and civil society organizations.