Photo highlights: C40 Latin American Mayors Forum
The C40 News Team is pleased to bring you photos from last month's C40 Latin American Mayors Forum in Buenos…
Op-ed: Latin America, the Compact of Mayors & the Road to Paris
Today, mayors and city officials from more than 17 cities are gathering at the C40 Latin American Mayors Forum in…
C40 Latin American Mayors Forum Showcases Region’s Bold Climate Leadership
Today C40 held its first-ever Latin American Mayors Forum, hosted by Buenos Aires Mayor Mauricio Macri and attended by more…
Preview: C40 Latin American Mayors Forum
We are gearing up for the first-ever C40 Latin American Mayors Forum, hosted by C40 and the City of Buenos Aires…
Mayor’s Voices: Buenos Aires Mayor Macri, Host of the C40 Latin American Mayors Forum, highlights the Leadership of Cities on the Road to Paris 2015
The C40 Latin American Mayors Forum in Buenos Aires on 27 March 2015, will be a critical opportunity for city leaders to…