Informal settlements and climate change: An opportunity and challenge for cities of emerging economies
The unprecedented growth of cities in emerging economies, coupled with the legacy of apartheid in South Africa has, since the…
C40 and CDP Kick Off 2016 Reporting Cycle to Help Cities Measure and Manage Their Data
Beginning today, all C40 member cities are invited to report their climate data through our reporting partner CDP. The annual…
Vice President Biden calls on more U.S. cities to commit to the Compact of Mayors
Today, while speaking at the National League of Cities Congress, Vice President Biden announced that 83 U.S. cities have committed to the…
Michael Bloomberg Urges Cities, States and Regions to Take Local Climate Action
Michael R. Bloomberg, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change, founder of Bloomberg LP and former mayor of…
Rio de Janeiro is World’s First City to Comply with Compact of Mayors
Today, C40 Chair and Rio de Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes announced his city’s full compliance with the Compact of Mayors, making…
President Obama just challenged all cities to step up their climate game before COP21
The White House released a fact sheet today announcing a number of initiatives to increase energy efficiency measures in cities…