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Displaying 1 - 6 of 8 results
October 2022
Spotlight on… Yokohama
Hear from Mayor Takehara Yamanaka on Yokohama - a zero-carbon city, with a goal of achieving decarbonisation by 2050...
December 2020
100% Renewable Energy at Yokohama City Hall
Summary The City of Yokohama aims to have all energy consumed within city-owned facilities powered by renewable energy by 2050....
December 2019
Zero Carbon Yokohama – Renewable Energy Partnership
Yokohama and 12 partner municipalities have worked on the creation of a collaborative platform for which to deliver advancements in renewable energy
September 2017
Cities100: Yokohama – Recognizing Ecosystem Services for Climate Adaptation
By mainstreaming adaptation measures and investing in green infrastructure, Yokohama is continuing on its path to becoming a climate adapted...
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: Yokohama – 3R Dream Plan
Summary Faced with rapid population growth and constraints on space for depositing ash from waste incineration, Yokohama chose the one...
October 2015
Cities100: Yokohama – Engaging Businesses and Residents in Waste Reduction
The 3R Dream Plan encourages behavior change and coordination between residents, businesses, and the city government in order to increase...