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Displaying 1 - 6 of 7 results
October 2022
Spotlight on… Quito
Mayor of Quito, Santiago Guarderas, on the city's Paris Agreement-compliant climate action plan...
October 2022
C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards: Advancing air quality monitoring and community engagement in Quito
Quito has introduced an air quality monitoring network that combines low-cost sensors and monitoring stations in residents’ homes, engaging locals…
January 2021
La Experiencia de los Laboratorios Urbanos en Quito como Herramienta para Reducir los Efectos del Cambio Climático y Mejorar el Hábitat
La Experiencia de los Laboratorios Urbanos en Quito como Herramienta para Reducir los Efectos del Cambio Climático y Mejorar el...
January 2021
Ciclovías en la capital
Quito, a sus 2.835 metros sobre el nivel del mar, con una topografía compleja, con una pared montañosa al occidente,...
September 2017
Cities100: Quito – Prioritizing Nature for a Climate-Adapted, Low-Carbon City
By recognizing the value of the city's ecosystems and protecting them in municipal planning, Quito is setting the standard for...
November 2016
Cities100: Quito – Creating Electricity and Compost from Organic Waste
Quito is reducing emissions and changing the definition of waste by generating clean energy, creating compost, and recycling paper and...