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Displaying 5 of 5 results
September 2017
Istanbul Floating Solar Power Plant
The Floating Solar Power Plant Project aims to make use of the currently unused space on top of freshwater sources…
September 2017
Hıdayet Turkoğlu Sports Complex, Istanbul: large-scale solar power retrofit to cover electricity demand
As one of the first solar retrofitting projects by the City of Istanbul, the Hidayet Turkoglu Sports complex stands to benefit…
September 2017
Cities100: Istanbul – Circular Design Approach for Processing Waste
Istanbul's circular design approach to waste management allows the city to produce electricity and compost from different waste streams, as...
November 2016
Cities100: Istanbul – Automated Measuring Supports Biogas Project
Istanbul now boasts Turkey’s largest landfill gas-to-energy facility, equipped with automated measuring and able to adjust to gas flows, which...
February 2016
C40 Good Practice Guides: Istanbul – Metrobüs system
Summary Istanbul’s Metrobüs system was designed to provide low cost, rapid service to the city’s inhabitants traveling east to west...