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Displaying 1 - 6 of 7 results
Quezon City
May 2024
ICA Fund | Making the city’s climate action plan accessible to all
Learn about the inclusive climate project led by Quezon City that is supported by a C40 Inclusive Climate Action (ICA)…
Quezon City
October 2023
City Stories: Growing resilience in Quezon City
Meet Tatay Sablay, a farmer in Quezon City’s Grow QC programme whose good, green job ensured his community could access...
Quezon City
July 2023
Transforming Cities: Quezon City’s waste warriors
Naly struggled to support her family through the pandemic – until she discovered a community clean-up programme. Now an incentivised...
Quezon City
October 2022
C40-Bloomberg Philanthropies Awards: GrowQC: food security for Quezon residents
In Quezon City, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated widespread hunger and malnutrition. The city launched GrowQC to tackle the growing problem…
Quezon City
September 2018
Quezon City to Start De-Carbonizing Electricity Consumption through Solarization
Due to the rapid increase and urbanization of Quezon City, with the majority of its population in the school-age category,…
Quezon City
September 2018
Quezon City Regulates Single-Use Plastic through Policy Intervention
The City Government enacted the Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance to regulate the consumers’ use of plastic bags and to implement…