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Displaying 25 - 30 of 611 results
Mexico City
March 2023
Transforming Cities: Mexico City’s rain catchers
Learn about Juana, from Milpa Alta, who takes inspiration from the nopales cacti and stores water by harvesting the rain…
March 2023
Transforming Cities: Keeping cool in a warming world
In this Transforming Cities animation, find out how improving our cooling systems could help us combat rising temperatures.
February 2023
Transforming Cities: The paint cooling Jakarta
Jakarta is home to over 10 million people who seek shelter indoors from the blistering urban heat. One brilliant architecture…
February 2023
Transforming Cities: The cities sharing big ideas
Tokyo has pioneered the world’s first emission-reduction programme for buildings and has partnered with Kuala Lumpur to share knowledge and…
February 2023
Transforming Cities: Bringing the outback to Melbourne
How has turning a car park into a farm helped Melbourne to create thriving neighbourhoods? An artist, a farmer, and a…
São Paulo
November 2022
Transforming Cities: Sustaining São Paulo
In São Paulo, Bernadete is part of an initiative that connects farmers to sustainable growing systems and buyers - to…