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Displaying 19 - 24 of 611 results
Los Angeles
June 2023
ICA Fund | Collaborating with workers for a fossil fuel free LA
Learn about the inclusive climate project led by the City of Los Angeles that is supported by a C40 Inclusive…
June 2023
Creating local good, green jobs in Phoenix
C40, Vivid Economics, and Cambridge Econometrics examined how climate action in Phoenix could create good, green jobs.
May 2023
Transforming Cities: How cities can use data to track their climate goals
Learn how a data dashboard developed using Qlik is helping Portland understand its climate action performance.
March 2023
Zhenjiang protects wetlands and renews urban areas with “sponge city” models
Zhenjiang is protecting the Yangtze River and renewing older urban areas by applying “sponge city” methods, such as expanding green…
March 2023
Fuzhou’s network of blue and green spaces
Since 2017, Fuzhou has been working to create a network of parks linked together by river walkways and urban greenbelts,…
March 2023
Protecting Dalian’s shoreline for future generations
Dalian has undertaken extensive work to strengthen the city shoreline and protect riverfront wetlands.