ICA Fund | Training women in public sector green jobs
Learn about the inclusive climate project led by the City of Bogotá that is supported by a C40 Inclusive Climate…
Creating local good, green jobs in Bogotá
C40, Vivid Economics, and Cambridge Econometrics examined how climate action in Bogotá could create good, green jobs.
Integrating Land-Use Planning and Climate Change in Bogota’s City Master Plan
Bogota urban masterplan integrates climate objectives with land-use planning, through the Eco-efficiency policy.
Promotion and Technical Support for The Implementation and Maintenance of Green Roofs and Vertical Gardens in the City of Bogotá
This project is focused on sharing best practices and research to better understand the effect of urban heat islands and…
Upgrade of the Cycle Network in Bogotà Dramatically Increases Bike Trips
The municipality of Bogotá has invested in several cycling projects in the past few years, resulting in an increase of…
Cities100: Bogotá – Hospital Program Shrinks CO2, Improves Patient Experience
Bogotá has pioneered a holistic approach integrating renewable energy and environmentally friendly practices in the public hospital network in order...