Applications are still open for the 2016 C40 Cities Awards, an annual event designed to bring global recognition to cities demonstrating climate action leadership.
In addition, C40 is pleased to announce that C40, Sustainia, and Realdania have once again partnered to produce Cities100, a publication seeking to identify, analyse and communicate the most ground-breaking solutions to climate change in cities today, helping cities both adapt to climate change and mitigate its effects. By presenting 100 city solutions, the Cities100 publication will serve as a guide to policy makers and urban planners seeking to create resilient and productive urban environments required for a climate-safe future.
Entries submitted for the C40 Cities Awards will be automatically entered as a Cities100 nomination, giving cities three chances for global recognition of their climate leadership: 100 solutions will be featured in the 2016 Cities100 publication; from this group, 30 cities will be selected as C40 Cities Awards finalists, of which 10 will be announced as winners.
In 2015, Cities100 showcased 100 examples of cities taking climate action from all over the world, including Johannesburg’s innovative Green Bond programme and Bogotá’s Zero Waste recycling initiative. By highlighting another 100 concrete city solutions to climate change, this year Sustainia, C40, and Realdania hope to further inspire cities to implement innovative climate solutions ahead of 2020, to ensure that cities already have the necessary frameworks in place to help ensure the success of the Paris Agreement by the time it comes into force.
In partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies, the fourth annual C40 Cities Awards Ceremony will take place in Mexico City on December 1, 2016, to coincide with the C40 Mayors Summit.
The deadline for applying to the Awards is 17 June 2016. Contact for more information.
Note: This Cities100 publication is not part of the C40 Cities Awards, but applications for both elements will be gathered at the same time and evaluated in a similar way. Projects selected for the 2015 edition of the Cities100 publication cannot be selected again for the Cities100, but they will be considered for the C40 Cities Awards.