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Displaying 7 - 12 of 35 results
Thought Leadership
November 4, 2022
C40 Cities are making faster progress on the climate crisis than most others, but it’s not enough
By Mark Watts, Executive Director of C40 Cities
Press Release
September 21, 2022
C40, NREP to collaborate on 15-minute city pilots
C40 is joining forces with NREP to launch the Green and Thriving Neighbourhoods programme and support interdisciplinary approaches that make...
Thought Leadership
September 7, 2022
Carbon neutral cities are good for people’s health
By Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, Director of Urban Planning, Environment and Health at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) Cities are...
Press Release
November 10, 2021
Public transport must double in cities over next decade to meet 1.5°C target
Mayors and cities, union leaders, transport workers, transport authorities and civil society have united at COP26 to call on the…
Press Release
September 28, 2021
18 outstanding teams announced as winners of students reinventing cities competition
1,100 students from 150 universities respond to the call for ideas to reinvent parts of their cities. 18 teams of...
Press Release
September 9, 2021
Neighbourhood action critical to meeting net zero targets, say C40 Cities and Arup
New guidebook provides a framework for green and thriving neighbourhoods, offering a pathway to net zero using ‘15-minute city’ principles.