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Displaying 31 - 35 of 35 results
Urban Planning & Design
Urban planning measures are critical for cities to be able to deliver on their greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and reduce their vulnerability to climate hazards. C40’s Urban Planning work supports cities to develop, implement and share planning strategies and regulations that set a framework for sustainable and equitable urban growth.
Thought Leadership
March 10, 2021
Emissions from road transport in Moscow have decreased by 2 times over the past 10 years
Since 2010, Moscow has invested in improving its public transport to try and ease the intensity of traffic and congestion…
Press Release
July 15, 2020
Les maires lancent un plan de relance post-COVID-19 écologique et juste et demandent aux pouvoirs publics nationaux de mettre un terme aux subventions en faveur des combustibles fossiles
C40 Cities publie un programme détaillé afin de mettre en place une relance durable et équitable dans les villes, partout…
Press Release
December 11, 2017
Climate Action Adds 3 Weeks to Average Life Expectancy of Every Citizen of Paris and Could Prevent 45,000 Premature Deaths Globally Each Year
New research by C40 Cities revealed today the scale of the potential health benefits that could be achieved by cities…
Thought Leadership
May 23, 2016
Compact of Mayors E-learning Webinar Series: 20th May – 16th June
Starting on May 20th, the Compact of Mayors will host a series of webinars - both regional and language-specific - on the…