About the report

The report, ‘Loss and Damage: Challenges and Opportunities for City Leadership — A Youth Perspective‘, presents an advanced analysis of urban loss and damage issues and explains how young individuals can collaborate with cities and mayors to advocate for climate justice.

The increasing danger that loss and damage represent is a critical threat to young people and future generations, particularly in urban areas. Among young people:

  • 85% of youth populations in C40 Cities live in cities of the Global South, which are most affected by the impacts of loss and damage1
  • 84% are concerned about climate breakdown2.
  • 74% are worried about the future2.

Despite this, young people are taking the lead in tackling climate-related loss and damage.

This document is designed for youth audiences, to supplement the wider C40 report: ‘Loss and Damage: Challenges and Opportunities for City Leadership‘. By engaging with this report, young readers will develop an essential understanding of how to interact with policies and initiatives to mitigate loss and damage alongside city authorities and mayors. 

It highlights the various ways in which young people are contributing to loss and damage mitigation in their cities and emphasises their distinctive role. This includes partnering with urban leaders to integrate insights into their initiatives and addressing the urban aspects of loss and damage.

In case of queries, please get in touch with the C40 youth team at: youth@c40.org

1. C40/Oxford Economics, 2022
2. Hickman, Caroline, et al. “Climate anxiety in children and young people and their beliefs about government responses to climate change: a global survey.” The Lancet Planetary Health 5.12 (2021): e863-e873.