About the C40 Youth Hub
The C40 Youth Hub brings young climate leaders from different cities and countries together with C40 to help shape the future of our planet. The hub aims to empower youth to join C40’s mission of accelerating inclusive climate action in cities.
The Youth Hub is open to youth climate leaders aged 15–29 who are active in city youth climate councils and/or youth-led climate organisations. Youth Hub members can promote their activities to a global network of youth leaders, sharing successes and challenges with like-minded individuals who are committed to a sustainable future.
The Youth Hub enables members to input into C40’s priorities and support C40 initiatives, learn about the latest urban climate data, and the chance to engage with mayors and key climate stakeholders to share perspectives and ideas with decision-makers.
Youth climate leaders who are interested in joining the C40 Youth Hub can learn more about the hub and apply online.
C40 and our cities work with youth climate leaders to change the status quo and build a brighter future for all.
A peer-to-peer learning platform for cities, providing a space for collaboration and sharing of knowledge and best practices, to increase youth engagement and participation in city climate action.