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Displaying 481 - 486 of 497 results
Thought Leadership
March 3, 2015
Toronto’s Lower Don Lands: Climate Positive project to transform the city’s waterfront
The Lower Don Lands is a 125 hectare waterfront site that presents a unique opportunity for revitalization in the City…
Thought Leadership
March 2, 2015
Mayors Voices: Boston Mayor Marty Walsh on New Climate Action Plan
The City of Boston has long been a leader on climate action. Since 2005, we’ve been tracking our greenhouse gas…
Thought Leadership
February 25, 2015
10 Global Cities Featured for Leadership in Climate Reporting
What climate risks does the city of Venice face? What actions has Sydney undertaken to prepare for future heatwaves? What…
Thought Leadership
February 19, 2015
10 Years of Results: C40 By the Numbers
C40 is a data-driven organization – our mayors know firsthand that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it,…
Thought Leadership
February 13, 2015
Cities Today Features C40 & Chinese Cities
As the world gears up for a year of climate action on the Road to Paris, cities in key countries…
Thought Leadership
February 11, 2015
Rio sustainability expert tackles the social and economic challenges of climate change in O Globo op-ed
O Globo, Brazil’s largest newspaper, recently featured an op-ed titled ‘Climate and Economy’ by Sérgio Besserman Vianna, special adviser on…