The impact of drought on C40 Cities by 2050
- C40 cities will face surface water losses of more than 16.1 billion m3 a year, which is equivalent to Sydney Harbour drying up 30 times over.
- Cities will lose 503 million m3 of water to agricultural drought, four times current levels and equivalent to 200,000 olympic swimming pools.
- It will cost C40 cities a combined US$111 billion each year to replace the water lost from subsurface levels during drought.
Solutions for cities
- Introduce a water conservation behaviour change programme.
- Implement water conservation solutions to increase water availability.
- Develop water-system efficiency improvements, such as reducing non-revenue water, to reduce water supply risks.
By 2050, riverine flooding will directly impact more than 7.4 million people in C40 cities annually.
By 2050, more than 2,400 hospitals and healthcare facilities in C40 cities could be overwhelmed by flooding.
More than 300 energy generation facilities in C40 cities are at risk of flooding by 2050.