Impact of flooding on C40 cities’ energy systems
- By 2050, over 300 energy generation facilities in C40 cities will be at risk of flooding.
- More than half of at-risk facilities are located in C40’s North American cities (61%), supplying energy to 8.4 million homes in the US.
- A further 15% are located in Europe and 4% are in Latin America.
Solutions for cities
- Flood-proof energy infrastructure to protect against sea-level rise, coastal storms and inland flooding.
- Improve the efficiency of critical systems in order to build resilience to climate threats.
By 2050, riverine flooding will directly impact more than 7.4 million people in C40 cities annually.
C40 cities will face surface water losses of more than 16.1 billion m3 a year, equivalent to the Sydney Harbour drying up 30 times over.
By 2050, more than 2,400 hospitals and healthcare facilities in C40 cities could be overwhelmed by flooding.