About the ICA Fund

Supported by the Open Society Foundations, the C40 ICA Fund is designed to help cities develop and implement climate projects with equity and inclusion principles at their core. There is no climate justice without social justice, and action at the city level is critical to achieving both. 

The ICA Fund builds on the successes of phase one of C40’s Global Green New Deal Pilot Initiative. It was launched in response to the unmet needs of cities as they navigate interlinking global crises, aiming to benefit cities by:

  • Strengthening existing programmes, policies and projects by making them more equitable and inclusive.
  • Enabling cities to unlock broader, long-term organisational and financial buy-in for inclusive climate action.
  • Providing a platform to showcase cities leading on inclusive climate action.

The first round of recipients receiving the ICA Fund grants was announced on 28 June 2023 during London Climate Action Week.

Keep reading to learn more about the grantee city projects.


What is inclusive climate action?

The climate crisis is not only an environmental issue. It is also linked to challenges like poverty and inequality, as low-income and marginalised communities are often more affected by the impacts of climate breakdown.

C40’s Inclusive Climate Action Programme supports mayors in putting equity and inclusion at the heart of climate policies and all other urban decision-making. This could mean implementing policies to improve air quality in low-income areas, creating good, green jobs for women and young people, increasing access to sustainable and low-cost transportation on the peripheries of cities, and so much more.

Access the resources below to learn about inclusive city climate action and explore insightful examples from C40 cities.